Diwali 2018

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Diwali 2018

In 2018, Seva Bhakti Foundation (SBF) completed a successful Diwali Hamper Drive. On Saturday November 3rd, the SBF member as well as helpful volunteers packed hampers with funds and items, generously, contributed by individual and company donors. Each hamper consisted of rice, pea dhall, sugar beans, tin fish, sugar, tea bags, fusion juice, a large packet of chips, biscuits, oil, noodles, sweets, fireworks and a Diwali cake.

Additional hampers were purchased by donors and provided as well. The target number of hampers was exceeded, as a total of 79 hampers were made available for distribution.

A list of underprivileged families, mainly from the Malagazi area, was provided to SBF. To avoid any confusion, a unique ticket as created for each family for pick up at the Lotus Park Ammen Temple.

On Sunday November 4th, the SBF members and volunteers distributed the hampers to appreciative families. Certain families were unable to pick up the hampers and the SBF members amiably delivered the hampers to a few families.

“Feeding someone who really needs it doesn’t make you poor. It just makes you rich in another way” – Daim Zaidi

Seva Bhakti Foundation would like to thank individuals, groups and companies who contributed towards providing hampers to the underprivileged families. A special thank you goes out to the volunteers who offered up their time, in the packing and distribution of hampers. God Bless You All!